Vía de la Plata full altitude profile.

Vía de la Plata

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Charts of places where there is more than one route

Theere is a few places along this Camino where there is more than one option, you can see the main ones H E R E.

How hilly is the Vía de la Plata?

Lots of people will tell you this is a fairly flat Camino. What do the stats say?

Starting altitude in Seville is 9m. Finishing altitude in Santiago is 256m. (256 - 9 = 247)

Total accumulated ascent and descent along the whole route is: ascent +17,116m, descent -16,869m. (17116 - 16869 = 247)

Over a distance of 979km that means an average ascent per km of 17.5m, and an average descent per km of 17.2m.

By way of comparison, the same calculations for the Camino Francés reveal the following:

Total accumulated ascent and descent along the whole route is: ascent +13,331m, descent -13,246m. (13331 - 13246 = 85)

Over a distance of 768km that means an average ascent per km of 17.3m, and an average descent per km of 17.2m.

So actually the difference is very small.

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